You are welcome to join us in ministering to the needs of our church and the greater community. If you are interested in receiving information regarding any ministry or organization in the parish, please contact Deacon Phil McManamon at 451-0009 or [email protected] or respond via the "Contact Us" form under Resources, indicating your preference or wishes in the "Comments" section. We appreciate you!
Altar Servers: Altar servers assist the priest at all Masses. Typical duties of the server are to carry the processional cross, to carry the incense and its boat (thurifer), to carry the processional candles, to assist with liturgical books used in the liturgy, and to assist in preparing the altar. Servers are needed for both Sunday and daily Masses as well as some special liturgies. Schedule specifics are arranged with the ministry leader. Any male or female parishioner who has reached the age of 11 and has completed the necessary parish training may serve. Please contact Carol Pond at 837-6871, ext. 159, or [email protected].
Altar Society: Members assist with grooming the altar and caring for altar linens as well as vestments for the clergy. Please contact Gail Giardina via e-mail.
Extraordinary Ministers: Ministers assist with the distribution of Holy Communion to parishioners at Mass as well as to the sick or our homebound parishioners. Men and women of the parish as well as high school seniors who are Extraordinary Minsters at their school perform this service. Please contact Millie Moore, 782-6669 or [email protected].
Gift Bearers: Bearers serve by carrying the bread, wine, and offertory collection to the priest and altar servers during the offertory hymn at the beginning of the Liturgy of the Eucharist. They are usually selected by the ushers at the beginning of Mass.
Ushers/Hospitality Ministry: The ushers greet and assist parishioners before, during, and after Mass. They collect Mass offertory, are responsible for selecting gift bearers, and guide the congregation in receiving Holy Communion. Please contact contact Frank G. Martello, DDS, at 837-8214.